Gig House Films

Gig House Films



Richard Kennan

Director and producer

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(+44) 7801 799034

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Jim Ring

Scriptwriter and Producer

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(+44) 7774 796148

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Kate Faire

Production Manager

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(+44) 7789 636106

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Meet the rest of the team

Jim Ring


Company Director, Head of Development, Film Producer

Jim Ring is a writer with a background of twenty years working in London’s top advertising agencies including stints as director at TWBA and WRCS. His credits include British Nuclear Fuels, the launch of the Orange mobile network, and Carling (‘I bet he drinks...’).


Educated at Brasenose College Oxford, his books include a biography of Erskine Childers (1996, winner of the Marsh Prize), How the English Made the Alps (2000), We Come Unseen (2001, winner of the Mountbatten Prize) and Riviera (2004). His new book Storming the Eagle's Nest  is due out soon.  


Jim's day to day work is developing our business. This means identifying stories we would like to tell and finding clients we want to commission such films. A story having been discovered or a project having been commissioned, he's then responsible for agreeing in detail and in writing the precise scope, ambitions and objectives of the film. Once these are settled he develops a script and/or storyboard that accurately reflects these objectives. At which point he hands over to the production team. When the film is in rough-cut form, his job is to ensure it meets the agreed objectives, that it does what it is intended to do. In short, that it has been properly developed.

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